Our Values
People 1st, Product 2nd, Profit 3rd. We have always built our company following this principle. We keep our clients as the #1 priority. To keep us true to that belief we never compromise on our products and services. This principle has built our reputation and, because of the results we deliver for our people the company grows and the profit comes naturally.
Love & Family is the most important part of life. We are a family business and always will be. We consider all of our employees, clients, and partners as part of our family. We don't just want the healthiest family in the world we want every family to live a long and prosperous life. Everything we do, everything we are building is for family.
Honor & Integrity is the core of our culture. We built our entire reputation by always conducting ourselves with honor & Integrity. If we don't know something we don't talk about it. If we haven't proven something we don't talk about it. If we have not invested our own time, money, and resources into something we won't recommend it.
We believe that you have to give to receive. This means you always reap what you sow. We will always work to give more than we get. That's why we give so much of our time, information, and resources to the public, completely for free. This is the core of our funding program because a lack of resources should never stop someone from achieving true health.
What Is Elite Dynamic Life?
Elite Dynamic Life is a premier longevity coaching company. We help our clients achieve an extraordinary level of health & wellness for themselves and their loved ones. Our main goal with our clients is to support them to live a good life for as long as possible. Prospering in every area of their lives!

Definition of elite
the choice part; the best of a class; superior in quality, rank, skill, etc.
Definition of dynamic
marked by usually continuous and productive activity or change; energetic, forceful.
Definition of life
the quality that distinguishes a vital and functional being from death.
Our Team
Our rockstar team of experts is completely dedicated to the mission of creating a healthy world. All of us will be helping people get healthy for as long as we are breathing.

Our Mission
Our mission is to inspire millions of families worldwide, to transform their lives by creating the global health revolution that humanity is searching for. To teach and train people on the truth. To show them how they can thrive in this world. How to live a life free of sickness and disease. How to build an extraordinary life by becoming highly successful.

Ron Oliver
CEO, Founder, Head Coach
Ron started his career at 22 years old, when he got hired as a personal trainer at Gold’s Gym in Vancouver, BC. After having hundreds of clients he realized that almost everyone he was working with, was stuck taking pharmaceutical drugs because they were sick all the time or suffering from some kind of disease. He decided that no matter what he or his family would never fall victim to disease. He sought out the truth about health and disease, how to increase longevity, and how to achieve a disease-proof immune system. He found Scientists, Dr's, Biochemists, Natural Formulators, Strength and Performance Coaches, etc. Many different experts that became teachers to Ron. Because of these amazing teachers, Ron learned the real cause of disease and how to develop a robust immune system to protect himself, his family and his clients from sickness, and because of what he's learned he has not been sick once in over 25 years. For over 30 years Ron has dedicated himself to developing the Wisdom, Knowledge, and Understanding that is needed to achieve an extraordinarily healthy body, mind, and spirit.

Justyn Oliver
COO, Coach
Justyn decided at a very young age he wanted to follow in his dad's footsteps and dedicate his life to helping people get healthy. One day, a woman came into their gym and almost immediately started sobbing tears of joy, as she thanked his dad over and over again for helping her achieve the health she desperately wanted. Seeing that moment changed Justyn forever. He started working with his dad, and was already putting people through detoxes, workouts, and improving their diets when he was 12 years old. He has literally dedicated his entire life to health and the mission of getting the world extremely healthy. Justyn hasn't been sick once since he was 2 years old and he started living the way his dad had learned to live to support a healthy body and immune system. He has diligently been studying and learning about health, longevity, and fitness for well over a decade. Justyn wants to be living proof that for his generation that living a lifestyle that supports true health is achievable for anyone, who is willing to make the choices that support that goal.

Elle Sherwood
Assistant Coach
Elle grew up on a ranch and learned how important being healthy was just by seeing how her animals were affected by their food and environment. It made sense that people should pay just as close attention to their health. So she always focused on living an active and healthy lifestyle. Elle started in the modeling industry at 13 and truly believed she was healthy. However, when she met Justyn and Ron she quickly saw the bigger vision for a healthy world and started studying and learning as much as she could from them about health. Elle realized how truly unhealthy and self-sabotaging most women are taught and pushed towards living. So after not being sick in over 5 years and seeing her own health improve 10 times over, she decided to dedicate her life to helping other people get their security and confidence back by achieving true health, and inspiring others to value and fight for life! Elle's passion is helping women live healthy, sustainable, and beautiful lifestyles. Creating millions of healthy families all around the world through and with the women she helps.