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  • RP3 Protein Powder

RP3 Protein Powder

Excluding GST/HST

The amount of quality protein in your diet is the single most important calorie that influences your metabolic rate, favourably influencing fat loss and lean body mass. Quality protein also helps you sustain muscle during weight loss, improve muscle fitness, improve immunity, improve antioxidant function, build HDL cholesterol, and enhance insulin and leptin function - all of which contribute towards optimal fitness levels over time.

 A remarkable quality of Avena’s RP3 Protein is that it contains all 9 essential and all the non-essential amino acids in a perfectly balanced Amino Acid Profile. In fact, our comparison by an independent lab test confirms that Avena’s RP3 Protein is equal or higher in some cases than the amino acid profile of egg, whey, and beef. (please refer to Avena’s Protein Nutritional Facts for the amino acid profile. 

 Avena’s RP3 Protein is living and more potent and absorbable than non-living animal proteins. Most athletes take high amounts of animal protein that is not usable for the body and is actually acidic creating intestinal toxemia and other disturbances. Avena’s RP3 Protein is predigested with bio-fermentation and natural enzymes, it has a 95% to 98% digestion efficiency. And it's completely hypoallergenic.

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